Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Eagles' Peak

Official quest description: The Ardougne Zoo is always looking for new specimens, but one of their anticipated new attractions - a ferret from the north - has been proving elusive.
One of the Zoo's more eccentric freelance specimen hunters is reported to be on the case, but after setting out for the far western reaches, somewhere between the Piscatoris Fishing Colony and the Tree Gnome Stronghold, nothing more has been heard from him.
Will you be able to use your skills as a Hunter to track him down? What else will you discover at the mountain known as Eagles' Peak?
Release date: 28 November 2006
Start: Speak to Charlie, one of the keepers at Ardougne Zoo
Difficulty: *****
Length: Medium
Members only: Yes
27 Hunter
Items needed:
Yellow dye
Swamp tar
50 coins
Varrock teleport
Optionally runes for Ardougne teleports and Dramen staff (for access to the Fairy Ring transport system) or access to the Spirit Tree transport system would prove helpful.
Energy potions might also be useful.
Monsters to kill: Kebbit (Level 13; 50 HP)
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
edit Walkthrough
[edit] Starting off
Talk to Charlie the zoo keeper at Ardougne Zoo. He is at the south-west part of the zoo, just south of the scorpion cage. Select the option, "Ah, you sound like someone who needs a quest doing!" He'll tell you about a delivery of a northern ferret who managed to escape his cage while unloading. He will ask you to contact a huntsman called Nickolaus who agreed to capture another ferret, but he hasn't heard from him for some time. He will ask you to look for him. Select, "Sure. Any idea where I should start looking?" Charlie will then tell you to start around the mountains just west of the Gnome Stronghold. The quest guide will tell you to go to Eagles' Peak.
[edit] Eagle's Peak
Walk or run to Eagles' Peak which is west of the Tree Gnome Stronghold. If you have access to the fairy ring network, code AKQ lands you near the Piscatoris Fishing Colony, and from there just travel south. At the base of the mountain on the north side you should find a tent, but Nickolaus is nowhere to be found. Inspect the books on the ground and you will get a bird book in the inventory. Click on the book and a metal feather falls out of the book.
Follow the path up to the peak, which starts on the south side of the mountain, or use the agility shortcut right beside the tent. At the top is a Rocky Outcrop with a hidden door with an inscription of a feather on the north side.

Use the metal feather from the book to open the door. Then, go inside. A Feathered journal is just inside, and though amusing, it is not critical to the quest.

1 entrance
2 here you can talk to Nickolaus
3 golden feather
4 silver feather
5 bronze feather
6 Nickolaus and guard eagle
The passages split to three tunnels to other areas and another metal door, used later, and to a ledge over a large open area. A cut scene will start when you enter the ledge and you will talk to Nickolaus, who is trapped across a chasm by a Giant Eagle that will not let him out of the cave.
[edit] Eagle disguise
Nickolaus tells you to make a disguise for him. Talk to him about eagles, mention that he is trapped and offer to help. The disguise requires 10 eagle feathers which are all over the dungeon. In addition, you'll need 1 swamp tar and 1 yellow dye.
Teleport to Varrock and go to the Fancy dress shop in the southeast corner. The shop owner wants 10 giant feathers to make the costumes plus swamp tar and yellow dye. The swamp tar can be found in Canifis and Lumbridge swamp respawns. The yellow dye can be bought from the seamstress in Lletya (elf village) or Ardougne, or from Aggie, the witch in Draynor, by using 2 onions on her.
When you bring all items (10 eagle feathers, 1 swamp tar, 1 yellow dye) and an additional 50 coins the fancy shop owner will make two Eagle capes and two Fake beaks (If you happen to lose your costume the fancy dress shop owner will make you another if you bring him the materials and 25 coins). With the two sets of disguises, go back to the Eagle Peak Mountain dungeon and shout to Nikolaus again. He wants you to bring the clothes to him.
[edit] Unlocking the Eagle Door

Locked Eagle door
There is a door in the dungeon with a large Eagle marking that leads to Nickolaus. You cannot open the door in this state. Three feathers (a bronze feather, a silver feather, and a golden feather) are required to be able to open the door.
[edit] Bronze Feather

Bronze Feather
West of the Eagle door is a tunnel. This leads to a room with a stone pedestal on which sits a bronze feather. When a player attempts to take it, a net trap will lift it upwards. Only once the net trap is holding the pedestal out of reach it is possible to operate the winches. Operate all four winches in each of the corners, causing the net trap to break. The pedestal will fall down and it is possible to take the bronze feather. After that leave and follow the directions to the silver feather cave.
[edit] Silver Feather
A bit further north, a second tunnel leads into another dungeon room, this time with an empty pedestal. Inspect the pedestal and a partial trail will appear. Follow the trail and inspect the closest heap of rocks to the end of the trail. If you are correct, the trail from the pedestal is shown to the heap of rocks, and a new partial trail starts. Repeat until the trail leads to an opening in the wall. Click the tunnel in the wall now and a level 13 kebbit will attack. Kill it and it will drop the silver feather.
[edit] Gold Feather
The third tunnel entrance is to the east of the main dungeon. You need to get to the end of a long corridor due east from the entrance, however, the corridor is blocked by metal Eagles on tracks and Eagle-winged gates. The birds are lured to a feeder by putting odd bird seed in a feeder along the track while the gates are opened and closed using levers in the area.

A map of the Gold Feather area. Click for a larger view.

Gold Feather
Take at least 6 handfuls of bird seed from the pile near the entrance of the cave.
Put seed in feeder F1, south-west of the entrance. The north-south eagle will be blocked by a gate and return, however the east-west eagle will remain at this feeder.
Pull lever L1, west of the feeder.
Pull lever L2, north-west of the entrance.
Pass the east gate (immediately south of the entrance). Pass by the first feeder, F4, and put seed in feeder F3, the further feeder.
Put seed in feeder F4.
Pull lever L3, the lever in the furthest south-east corner.
Pull lever L2 once more.
Put seed in feeder F5, the feeder adjacent to lever L2.
Pull lever L4, the lever in the furthest north-west corner.
Put seed in feeder F2, the feeder adjacent to lever L1.
Put seed in feeder F1, the original feeder. This time, the north-south eagle will not be obstructed by a gate and will remain at the feeder.
Walk down the western hallway and take the golden feather.

In disguise walk past Eagle
After collecting all three feathers (bronze, silver and gold) use each feather on the door which opens it. Walk to Nikolaus and wear the full Eagle disguise to "walk past" the Eagle guarding Nickolaus. If you are not wearing a disguise, the eagle will knock you back.
After a short conversation, Nickolaus requests you to meet him back at the camp.
Side note: a bit further east are four huge Eagles (Polar eagle, Jungle eagle, Desert eagle, Karamjan Jungle eagle). After the quest they can be used as a transport system to the other Hunter areas from the south Woodland hunter area.
[edit] End
Go back out of the Eagle Peak Mountain dungeon and go down rock climb. On the ground where the tent you were at before is, talk to Nickolaus and he'll teach you how to catch Ferrets. Go back to Ardougne zoo. Talk to Charlie who gives the Quest reward

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