Tuesday, April 14, 2009

As A First Resort...

Official quest description: After discovering the beneficial properties of some of the natural springs of the area, an enterprising human has convinced a primitive tribe of ogresses to transform their rustic encampment into a medicinal spa of sorts.
Before Oo'glog can open for business, though, the area must be prepared, a pest problem needs to be sorted and the ogres really ought to be reminded that bashing people with big clubs isn't a traditional health treatment.
Release date: 29 January 2008
Start: Speak to Chief Tess in the centre of Oo'glog
Difficulty: *****
Length: Long
Members only: Yes
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Items needed:
8 Achey logs
At least 15 Eucalyptus logs (35 should be enough)
8 Stripy feathers
4 Wolf bones
8 Larupia furs (Tattered or perfect)
4 spears of any type
And around 10 of each of the following :
Fever grass
An axe
A knife
A box trap
A bird snare
Some logs of any kind (for traps). 20 should be more than enough.
2 Raw chompy
NOTE: If you don't have a raw chompy, you may want to bring Ogre Bellows, as well as an Ogre Bow and Ogre Arrows.
Monsters to kill: None
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
edit Walkthrough

Starting the quest

Chargurr with finished facilities
Speak to Chief Tess in Oo'glog. She will tell the player that her shop can't open until the human banker in the town allows her to do so.
Ask the chief what is going on. Then ask about the 'business venture' and offer to help. Chief Tess will tell you to go and talk to Balnea, the woman in the bank.
After a long conversation, Balnea will ask the player to help turn Oo'glog into a health spa and will ask for help performing a number of tasks.
You can now use the bank after agreeing to help Balnea
Establish catering facilities
Speak to the ogre cook, Chargurr, just north of the bank. She needs the following items in order to build a big fire to cook on:
8 Achey logs
10 Eucalyptus logs
4 spears to be used as spits. The level 86 ogresses wielding spears drop them. Alternatively you can smith the spears if you have passed Barbarian training, or ask Tamayu, in Tai Bwo Wannai (south east house in village), who runs a spear stall selling poisoned spears as well as a cleaning cloth for removing the poison.
2 Raw chompy - see Big Chompy Bird Hunting
A tinderbox
The achey logs and eucalyptus logs must be given to Chargurr together, then the spears, and finally the raw chompy. Once the player has delivered these items, he should speak to Chargurr again and will then be asked to light the fire. Use a tinderbox on the fire to light it and speak to Chargurr one more time to finish the first part of the quest.
Advancing the relaxation technologies

Snurgh with the finished relaxation technologies
Speak to Balnea again and she will ask the player to help Snurgh, the hotel manager in the south-eastern building. Snurgh needs to make some comfortable pillows, and to do this she needs 8 stripy feathers from Tropical Wagtails.
Give the feathers to Snurgh and then return to Balnea for the next task.
Solidifying Kringk's assets

Kringk's first customer: a Goblin.
The next task is to help Kringk in the hair salon just east of the bank. She needs the following items to make hairdressing tools:
4 "wolfsie bones" (wolf bones)
8 "Lup-Lup furses" (larupia furs)
The items must be all be given to Kringk at the same time, although tatty larupia furs can be used as well as regular ones.
Pushing the envelope
Speak to Balnea a fourth time, and she will ask the player to help Seegud who is based in the hut north east of the bank. Seegud needs help clearing insects from the five spa pools by lighting fires next to them. Different types of insects require different items to be dispersed, and Seegud has left clues beside each pool in the form of shaped and coloured stones:
Long, brown rocks mean burn eucalyptus logs
Green, lump-shaped rocks mean fever grass
Red, round rocks mean primweed
Yellow, egg-shaped rocks mean burn tansymum
Orange, squarish rocks mean stinkbloom
Tall, purple rocks mean burn lavender
Examining the pile of rocks next to the firepit at each thermal bath will give a description that includes some of the above items. Use them in the fire pit and light them to clear the insects at each bath.

A player jumping in a spa.Once the player has lit their first fire, however, they will discover there's a catch -- some nearby ogre children have mixed up all of the stones! The rules are still the same, except that the colours of stones have been swapped around. The weeds that match each stone are different for every player, but the task can be solved by following these steps or just go to quest help and reveal spoilers which is faster.
Note you must try the suggested mix and revisit the Ogress. Hint
The weeds are all switched so no need to try the suggested weeds after the first attempt.
To solve the first stone simply add eucalyptus logs and a single weed to the fire pit on the thermal bath north of Seegud's hut. Try each weed in turn until the insects are dispersed, and since there is only one coloured stone this will tell you which weed represents that stone (yellow egg-shaped). This will require at most 5 logs and one of each weed.
The second pool to solve is the mud bath at the east end of the pools. This is the one that has a red sphere shaped rock as well as a yellow egg-shaped rock. Knowing what the yellow one is means the player needs at most four of that weed and one each of the other four to figure out the weed for the red stone.
The third one to solve is the salt-water spring in the centre of the pools. Solving this pool will reveal the weed for the green gumdrop shaped stone. Using the weed you figured out in the previous step (i.e. the weed for the red sphere) you need at most 3 red stone weeds and one each of the other 3 unsolved weeds.
The fourth pool to go to is the sulphur spring to the west of the salt-water spring. The rocks here are the purple tall stone and the green gumdrop stone. You only have 2 weeds at this point not figured out. Try them in turn with the green gumdrop weed to find out which weed is represented by the purple tall stone. By a process of elimination the remaining weed will be the one for orange squareish stone.
Lastly go to the bandos pool and you will already know what the three stones (red, orange, and purple) mean so just put them in and light the fire.
Speak to Seegud after dispersing all the insects, and then return to Balnea.
Accelerate the action-point
Items needed: tinderbox, knife, logs (or axe to woodcut logs), bird snare, box trap, fever grass, tansymum, lavender.
Talk to Balnea for yet another task. This time the player must clear some animals from the village:
4 diseased kebbits. These require deadfall traps to be set using a log on the boulders to the east and west of the salt-water spring. Fever grass can be burnt to attract the kebbits and can also be used as bait in the traps. The weed will burn out after about 30 seconds so it is useful to have a number of them in the inventory before starting. The slow burning process requires the use of the weapon slot. Remember to remove any weapons you are wielding: You need to have your right hand free to keep the fever grass burning. Also, only one trap can be set at a time. Ogre child: Hey, you, human! You no allowed to clutter up Oo'glog wiv traps. You only set one at a time here.
5 Wimpy birds. To catch these set a bird snare as per normal Hunter strategy in the area immediately west of the bank. The only difference is that the player must light a tansymum weed using a tinderbox to attract the birds to the snare.
A family of 4 platypodes - Patrick, Peanut, Penelope and Peter. These need to be caught using a box trap and by burning lavender. They are located in the north west corner by the sulphur pool. Once caught they should be taken to the north east part of the coast inside the village walls(the "baby platypus" part in the map above) and released near the platypus holes there. Each one released rewards the player with a casket or an oyster.
Note: The player must run while luring the animals into the traps. Once all animals have been caught the player should return to Balnea one last time to complete the quest.

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